Forensic Healing


Forensic Healing is an incredible, life changing form of Energy Healing.

It is regarded as the deepest and most effective healing framework to release pain, trauma and stress, fast. It answers long-standing questions regarding chronic physical, emotional and spiritual conditions and clears stubborn relationship, health and financial blocks. The founder, Marisa Russo, spent decades healing from the trauma of an abusive childhood, and in the process discovered her healing gift. And now she teaches others this powerful healing modality.

Just as a detective searches for who, what, when and why clues at a crime scene, a Forensic Healer will find the clues in your energy field as to the reasons you have your condition and release it using over 90+ healing pathways.

A person’s current state of health, energy, emotions, spirituality, etc., is the direct result of their past experiences (and past lives) that is stored in the cells, DNA and energy fields. Just as we are what we eat, we are what we experience in our lives.

Accumulation of major stress, trauma or abuse will cause dysfunction in a person’s life until it is healed. The body never lies, and if there is pain, stress, anxiety, tiredness, fear, grief, hurt, low self-worth etc., the body is giving a message that healing is needed.

Forensic Healing will investigate a client’s past using biofeedback methods and identify the most impactful/stressful times that caused a block in the client’s energy field. Then applies the most appropriate healing pathway to release the block.

The Forensic Healing Protocol ensures safety, protection and accuracy for the client to feel relaxed. It checks that all safeguards are in place for their healing.

It has been my experience as a Forensic Healer that clients report feeling lighter, as if they have experienced a profound cleanse of their energy field. They feel huge burdens lifted, a new sensation of wholeness and a deeper emotional/spiritual connection. It is common for a client to leave the healing session feeling less stress, less pain and less troubled about people close to them and their life circumstances.

It is my absolute pleasure and privilege to now be able to offer this powerful healing modality to you as part of my services.

If you feel called to explore this amazing form of energy healing as part of your healing journey please click here to complete a contact form.