My Backstory
It’s summer of 2011 and I’m sitting cross legged on my bed in the back room of my friend’s home.
44 years old, homeless, my children no longer living under the same roof as me and hopelessly addicted to drugs.
44 years of chaotic abusive relationships, 30 years of addiction and self-destruction.
I was desolate….
Spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically bereft…
“How the fuck did I get here?” I thought incredulously!
That was when it descended upon me, like a blinding flash of the obvious!
Here I was, working as a psychologist, trying to help others, when I was so broken myself.
I had to stop trying to find the ideal relationship
I had to stop trying to be a good parent
I had to stop trying to get my business to bring in more money
I had to stop doing ANYTHING to move forward in life until……
I turned myself inward and learned how to help myself.
How could I really help others when I did not know how to help myself?!
This moment marked a dramatic turning point in my life.
I knew I was on this earth to help others, and my psychology practice allowed me to maintain the idea that I was helping people.
Yes, I may have been at some level, but how does one help and inspire to bring out the best in others when living a life of self-destruction and playing small????
I needed to step into alignment with my soul and be my authentic self
To FEEL and BE who I really am
I wanted freedom so badly from self-limiting beliefs and to LOVE who I am
I needed to step into my strengths, connect with my purpose and help others to find theirs also.
Awaken to self
Awaken others
And lift the vibration of this world!
To do this I needed to move out of the pain I was living in and into my reason for living.
I cannot truly sit with another in their vulnerability until I can fully face my own!
I began to rise to the challenge in my soul!
I borrowed money from family and took myself to rehab.
I cleaned up my act and came home and learned to live life on life’s terms.
I became brutally honest
Digging deep to weed out the self-doubt and self-loathing that plagued my life.
I often felt like a fraud and doubted what I had to offer the world,
but a voice in me (or above me) kept saying…
keep going….
I connected with my spirituality
I became more authentic in my work
I left behind friends and environments that no longer served me.
I connected with healers, mentors, trainers, kinesiologists
I learned the power of connecting with my Divine Feminine Essence
And the beautiful, rich, deep self-love that brings
I became the BEST role model for my daughters
I began to shift into abundance
I took my girls overseas and we worked with cheetahs for three weeks
I bought us a home
I found me a dog!!
And my journey is not over yet
I continue to grow,
Continue to expand
Continue to forge a life that allows me to express my most authentic self
Where I live in alignment everyday
Where I draw more and more abundance
Where I have more and more impact
Where I get to live the version of me that totally embodies my purpose
And therefore have truly walked the rite of passage to help others connect to their purpose.
Awaken to the Fire in your Soul!